Dr.Sumathi B C

Managing Director (ATHARVA Karnataka)


18 Years Of Experience

Specialization: Dysmenorrhea, leucorrhea, Pcod, Metrorrhagia, Menorrhagia, Gastritis, respiratory infections, renal infections, enteritis, joint disorders, allergies, female disorders, infertility, post natal care, pregnancy lifestyle guide..

About Studies

Dr. Sumathi B C is one among the direct disciples of late Dr.M Eswara Reddy Sir. Acquired her degree at Taranath Government Ayurveda Medical College Bellary from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. Currently, she is serving at Atharva Ayurdhama, Davanagere. She is bound to serve society with her vast knowledge in Ayurveda to get a healthy and prosperous lifestyle from in and out.

Dr. Sumathi is always willing to help the people in need in Swastha panchakarma, Sthreeroga i.e., gynecological issues like PCOD, DUB, CERVICITIS, and more.., Female infertility, CIS, Respiratory issues, Gastrointestinal diseases. She believes in the health and strength of the woman is the health status of the family and her children. She wrote articles to educate people regarding food, seasons, seasonal caring, and personal caring as mentioned in Ayurveda.

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