Healing Stories

The treatment of blood vessels is so deep, that only Ayurveda is fully capable to do it. Surgery is not at all a solution!
Varicose veins are usually bulging, bluish cords running just beneath the surface of your skin. They almost always affect legs and feet. Visible swollen and twisted veins — sometimes surrounded by patches of flooded capillaries known as spider veins — are considered superficial varicose veins. Although they can be painful and disfiguring, they are usually harmless. When inflamed, they become tender to the touch and can hinder circulation to the point of causing swollen ankles, itchy skin, and aching in the affected limb.
Besides a surface network of veins, your legs have an interior, or deep, venous network. On rare occasions, an interior leg vein becomes varicose. Such deep varicose veins are usually not visible, but they can cause swelling or aching throughout the leg and may be sites where blood clots can form.
To push blood back to heart, veins rely mainly on surrounding muscles and a network of one-way valves. As blood flows through a vein, the cup-like valves open to allow blood through, then close to prevent backflow.
In varicose veins, the valves do not work properly, allowing blood to pool in the vein and making it difficult for the muscles to push the blood “uphill.” Instead of flowing from one valve to the next, the blood continues to pool in the vein, increasing venous pressure and the likelihood of congestion while causing the vein to bulge and twist.
By these acid level increases in blood causes weakness of vessel walls and with that if that person lack physical activities or standing or sitting for long to work will further aggravates pressure hence vessels become swollen.
Avoid standing for longer duration and Wearing the tight stockings up to thighs are only the convincible approach from modern science.
The concepts of ayurveda regarding “Raktapitta”, “Vatharakta”, ” Dushtavrana”, “Shotha” spoken about varicose veins clearly It is a war of tug between acid and base .
Ayurveda Approach always work on etiological factors by preventing these factors half of the problem is solved. Similarly, Ayurveda has medicines to nourish blood vessels, which reforms the vessels by taking away the pressure.Isn’t it good go for such a great way of treatment ?
The pH of blood is 7.4. If we consume acidic food and beverages then the imbalance between acid- base gets started. This imbalance will cause disturbance in metabolism at cellular level and due to result of which blood vessels get weak and hard which disturb the blood circulation system and veins get swollen. So once we know the cause we can hit the target and prevent and cure the diseases this the key which is missing in modern science. Ayurveda talk about prevention before treatment.
The treatment in Ayurveda remove the particular reasons of vericose veins, later on it wins the disease through “Rakthanaala poshaka Basthi” (vessels strengthening enema).
As because It is the defect of deep seated bone marrow it has genetic factors involved. But if we follow the principles of Ayurveda sincerely then we can prevent to transfer to next generation.
Within in 15 days pain will reduces. Gradually numbness, itch, wounds will heal completely.
The success to treatment depends upon at what stage we have started the treatment. As Earliest we start, more are the chances of success.
Most of the cases get complete cure with in one year of treatment.
One must be under the strict guidance of food and life style even after the completion of one year medicines. Ayurveda work on the approach of “Rogan Apunarbhava” means diseases should not come back and that is only possible if Patient follow the directed diet and life style.
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