Dr.Shivaleela B M



4 Years Of Experience

Specialization: Migraine, Gastritis, Allergic Rhinitis, Fever, Cough, Bronchitis, Anal disorders, SRIPAA Chaitanya Garbha samskara, Counseling.

About Studies

With the grace of the guru, I have got the opportunity to be a part of ATHARVA.

Since 4 years, I'm continuing the journey with the team as an admin and Junior doctor with Dr.Mallikarjun Dambal in ATHARVA AYURDHAMA, SHIMOGA.

With all his blessings right now I'm well versed in treating Migraine, Amlapitta (gastritis), Allergic bronchitis, Dysmenorrhea, UTI.

As I have realized that, youths are the pillars of our society, I would like to motivate them and It's my passion in counseling them.

I'm ever glad to Guru for giving me the opportunity to be with ATHARVA to serve you all through our science Ayurveda.

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