Sharad Virechan

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Virechana is one among the 5 special detox procedure. Simply looks as purgative treatment, but it not only cleans the digestive tract it eliminates unwanted poisons energy(chemicals) from the all the cells from our body which are the most potent causative factors for metabolic as well as infective diseases like, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Arthritis, Pancreatitis, Varicose veins, Gastritis, Migraine, Colitis, Inflammatory bowl syndrome, Hepatitis, Nephritis, Vascular disease, Paralysis, Cardiac disease, Atherosclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic back pain, Chronic kidney disease, Allergic rhinitis, Asthma, Rheumatism, Various Cancers etc., and infections of various organs thus produces unpleasant health conditions.

Why Shrad ruthu virechana? Why not in other ruthus? :

At the end of Rainy season, the suppressed or diluted chemicals will starts to concentrate by leaving the water from the cells of plants and all animals. These concentrated chemicals are more and more stronger than plant or body cells, hence the growth of the plants and animals starts progressively in this season.

In human body this progressive growth creates suitable atmosphere for disease while in childrens it helps to grow more, and the plant cells eliminates these chemicals by evaporating it by guttation process.

We humans need to dissolve these unwanted toxins and eliminate them from suitable routes , where Virechana is the best.

In the Sharad ruthu these toxins will aggravate and circulates in entire body through our blood. Ayurveda called this condition as ‘Pitta Prakopa’ and by the Virechana therapy we are eliminating this pitta without harming a single cell of our body.

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Procedures of Virechana

The whole procedure of Virechana treatment completes into three stages-

  • Poorva karma- Pre treatment
  • Pradhana karma – Treatment
  • Pashchat karma- post treatment

All toxins are fat based material which are now in this ruthu circulating in blood, means we can reach them easily by simple and harmless techniques mentioned below-

Day 1 to 3

Day 4 to 6

Day 7

Day 8 to 9

What are all diseases we can prevent by taking Virechan:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Migraine
  • Liver disorders
  • Pancreatitis
  • Renal issues
  • Cardiac diseases like blockage, global hypokinetia of cardiac muscles, valve damage.
  • Cerebral disease like paralysis, memory loss, neuritis, seizures, epilepsy 10.Vericose veins 11.Vericoceals
  • Sexual weakness
  • TAO
  • Hair fall
  • Dandruff
  • Skin disease like psoriasis, skin allergies, vitiligo,dermatitis, fungal infection
  • Gastritis
  • Colitis
  • Cough, Bronchitis, asthma
  • Recurrent rhinitis
  • Gastritis
  • Colitis
  • Cough, Bronchitis, asthma
  • Recurrent rhinitis
  • Cervical and lumbar problems
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Jaundice
  • Gall bladder stones and infections
  • Renal stones 26.Renal Failure
  • Uterus problems like bulky uterus, fibroids, heavy bleeding, cysts, pcod, endometriosis.
  • Urinary tract diseases 29.Arthritis
  • Uric acid problems
  • Herpis
  • Pimples
  • Corboncles
  • Various cancers
  • Anemia of various origins

Important note:

  • All the benefits will get only after strictly following the advice given by Ayurveda Vaidya.
  • Though it is very safe treatment, but need to follow instructions of Ayurveda Vaidya without fail to maximise the results.
  • If not possible to follow the therapeutic rules it is better not to undergo therapy at all.



** Contraindications for Virechana **

  • Childhood and Old age
  • Diarrhoea and Dehydration, Debility and Weakness
  • Bleeding from rectum or lung cavities with a Prolapsed rectum
  • Excess snehana or svedana
  • Foreign body in the stomach after Vamana or basti
  • Acute fever with thin or weak body
  • Severe, chronic constipation with hard stool causing Ulcerative colitis.
  • During treatment of Virechana, cold drinks, excessive exercise, sexual activity and cold baths are not advisable at all.
  • Patient need to take rest in a warm and cosy place.
  • It is not used for the very young or very old, the weak, debilitated or emaciated, while pregnant, during or immediately before menstruation, or with prolapse of the stomach or uterus.



1) Can I take this treatments at home by doing routine works?

Yes, definitely you can, but need to follow the instructions without fail . Play Video

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Atharva Ayurdhama is one of the best Ayurveda Hospital located in Kangra, Himachal . Dr. Naveen is a very good Ayurvedic doctor as well as amazing person. He is Amazing and incomparable in his job and is doing a lot for the society. Must consult if you are looking for Ayurveda Treatment.

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Dr Mallikarjun Dambal provides you an in depth Diagnosis, treatment & Recovery of any ailment which is not treatable by English or Allopathy medicine. From simple ailments like gastric, acidity which keeps haunting people forever is treated completely, to complex & life threatening ailments like spondylitis, liver hepatitis etc have been treated successfully.

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