Virechana is one among the 5 special detox procedure. Simply looks as purgative treatment, but it not only cleans the digestive tract it eliminates unwanted poisons energy(chemicals) from the all the cells from our body which are the most potent causative factors for metabolic as well as infective diseases like, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hypothyroidism, Arthritis, Pancreatitis, Varicose veins, Gastritis, Migraine, Colitis, Inflammatory bowl syndrome, Hepatitis, Nephritis, Vascular disease, Paralysis, Cardiac disease, Atherosclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, chronic back pain, Chronic kidney disease, Allergic rhinitis, Asthma, Rheumatism, Various Cancers etc., and infections of various organs thus produces unpleasant health conditions.
Why Shrad ruthu virechana? Why not in other ruthus? :
At the end of Rainy season, the suppressed or diluted chemicals will starts to concentrate by leaving the water from the cells of plants and all animals. These concentrated chemicals are more and more stronger than plant or body cells, hence the growth of the plants and animals starts progressively in this season.
In human body this progressive growth creates suitable atmosphere for disease while in childrens it helps to grow more, and the plant cells eliminates these chemicals by evaporating it by guttation process.
We humans need to dissolve these unwanted toxins and eliminate them from suitable routes , where Virechana is the best.
In the Sharad ruthu these toxins will aggravate and circulates in entire body through our blood. Ayurveda called this condition as ‘Pitta Prakopa’ and by the Virechana therapy we are eliminating this pitta without harming a single cell of our body.